Your generosity is appreciated!
There are any number of ways you can support YOUR Primeplus Norfolk Senior Center.
Primeplus Norfolk Senior Center relies on the financial contributions of the community to keep the doors open. Without you, seniors would not have access to these important programs and services. We work side by side with our community to assure that no senior is left home alone, without access to nutrition, activities and support. Please consider a gift of support to this important agency.
Ways you can help:
Individual Giving
Each year we have two Friends of Primeplus campaigns in the Spring and again as the year comes to a close. Your gift to those efforts go directly to support the programs and services offered here at YOUR Senior Center. You can give online or by check. Mail your gift to:
Primeplus Norfolk Senior Center
7300 Newport Avenue, Suite 100
Norfolk, VA 23505
Or give online a one time or recurring gift.
Donate Here
United Way
You can designate your United Way contribution to Primeplus Norfolk Senior Center Code #: 5062.
There are a number of ways your sponsorship can support our seniors. Your organization or company can sponsor an individual class, the Scholarship fund, Coffee & Chat or a week educational or fitness classes. Your company or organization will be recognized here on our website. Sponsorship levels vary. Contact our office for more information.
Corporate Giving
Does your company support the local community through employee volunteerism or fundraising? Select Primeplus Norfolk Senior Center to be the charity of choice and we will provide any and all support needed to make sure that the event is successful. Many companies have Charitable Foundations that employees can refer local nonprofits for contributions. Contact our Development office for help if your company has this as an option.
Naming Opportunities
Many donation options provide for naming opportunities. Schedule a meeting with us to discuss the possibility of naming a room, class or section of the building in your honor or in remembrance of a loved one.
In-Kind Giving
To keep costs low, we receive donations of in kind services and items. Useful items are tax deductible and include:
Art Supplies
Wii games
Yoga mats
Yoga Blocks & Bolsters
Yoga Chairs
Office supplies including: Pens, copier paper, paper clips, post it notes, binders, folders, mailing labels, stamps, etc.)
Planned Giving and Bequests
Planning for the people and organizations you hold dear is one of the most important decisions you can make. By carefully thinking through how to support these important relationships for the future, we can continue to transform lives – together. You can name Primeplus as the beneficiary of a life income or estate gift, you will become a member of our 50+ Legacy Society. This is the deepest commitment you can make, continuing our mission to provide support to ensure seniors age gracefully and in place for years to come.
You can leave a bequest by including the following language in your Will or Trust:
I hereby give, devise and bequeath to Primeplus, a nonprofit organization whose mailing address is 7300 Newport Ave, Suite 100 Norfolk, VA 23505, _____ percent of my estate (or, the sum of $_____; or , _____ percent of the residue of my estate) to support Primeplus’ greatest needs.
Additional individual support options include:
Life Insurance Policies and IRAs
One easy way of remembering Primeplus with a planned gift is by naming Primeplus as the beneficiary of an insurance policy. IRAs usually require some form of tax payment when funds are distributed, but by naming Primeplus as the beneficiary taxes are avoided since we are a non-profit organization.
Appreciated Securities
Gifts of appreciated stock may be transferred to Primeplus and thereby avoid any capital gains taxes for the donor. To transfer stock call (757) 625-5857 x109 or email Here.
Charitable Remainder Trusts provide a donor with an annual income usually for life with the remaining principal going to a non-profit at the end of life. Charitable Lead Trusts provide a non profit with income for a specified time with the principal returning to the donor or others at the end of that time.